Percentage Calculator

Our percentage calculator lets you find answers to the most common percentage questions, calculate the percent change/increase/decrease, and find the percent difference between two numbers.

To use any of the percentage calculators below, change the default values to your own.

Below all of the calculators, we explain the formulas and include examples for all of these calculations.

Percentage Calculators For Common Phrases

What is
Answer: 3 is 10% of 30
of what?
Answer: 10 is 20% of 50
is what % of
Answer: 4 is 40% of 10.

Percent Change/Increase/Decrease Calculator

  • 60% Change
  • 60% Increase
  • -60% Decrease
  • Percent Difference Calculator

    Percent Difference:


    Calculating Percentages

    While our percentage calculator is a handy way to solve your percentage problems, we'll explain the math involved in all of the calculations below.

    How to Find Percentage of a Number

    This section explains how to answer the question "What is p% of x?".

    The formula to find the percentage of a number is:

    p% * x = y

    Example: What's 10% of 30? Using the percentage formula: p% * x = y:

    1. For this example, our equation is 10% * 30 = y
    2. To start, convert the percentage (p) to a decimal by removing the percent sign (%) and dividing the number by 100. For our example: 10 / 100 = 0.1 
    3. To find y, multiply the decimal form of the percentage by x. In this case: 0.1 * 30 = 3

    In the example above, y = 3. In other words, 10% of 30 is 3.

    10% * 30 = y

    0.1 * 30 = 3

    How to Solve "x is p% of what?"

    The formula for calculating "x is p% of what?" is:

    x / p% = y

    Example: 10 is 20% of what? using the formula x / p% = y:

    1. For this example, our equation is 10 / 20% = y
    2. To start, convert our percentage to a decimal by removing the percent sign and dividing it by 100. In this case, 20 / 100 = 0.2.
    3. Divide x by the decimal form of the percentage: 10 / 0.2 = 50

    In this example, 10 is 20% of 50.

    10 / 20% = y

    10 / 0.2 = 50

    How to Solve "x is What Percent of y?"

    The formula for calculating "x is what percent of y?" is:

    x / y = p%

    Example: 4 is what percent of 10? Using the formula: x / y = p%

    1. For this example, our equation is 4 / 10 = p%
    2. 4 divided by 10 = 0.4 Note: This is in decimal form!
    3. To convert the decimal to a percentage, multiply 0.4 * 100 = 40%.

    In this example, 4 is 40% of 10.

    4 / 10 = p%

    .4 * 100 = 40%

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