Fraction to Percent Calculator / Converter

Use our fraction to percent calculator to convert a fraction to a percentage.

Once you've entered a valid fraction (e.g., 3/5, 8/5, -3/4, 1111/333), the converter will automatically convert it to a percentage.

Fraction to Percent

Enter a Fraction


Calculated Percent


We've also included the percent to fraction calculator below if you need to convert the other way.

Percent to Fraction

Enter a Percent


Converted Fraction


How to Turn a Fraction Into a Percent

To convert a fraction to a percent:

  1. Divide the numerator (top of the fraction) by the denominator (bottom of the fraction).
  2. Multiply the result by 100.

Example 3/5 to a percentage:

Percentage = (3 / 5) * 100 

= 0.6 *100

= 60%

Example 8/5 to a percentage:

Percentage = (8 / 5) * 100

= 1.6 * 100

= 160%

Example -3/4 to a percentage:

Percentage = (-3 / 4) * 100

= -.75 * 100

= -75%

Fraction to Percentage Formula

When converting a fraction to a percentage, simplifying the fraction IS NOT necessary.

The formula for converting a fraction to a percentage is:

Percentage = Numerator / Denominator * 100