Bet Calculator and Odds Converter

Enter your bet amount and odds. The betting odds calculator will automatically calculate your potential profit and total payout. It will also convert the odds to all other popular formats.

How to Use This Betting Odds Calculator & Converter

To calculate the potential profit and payout of a bet, simply enter the amount of your wager and its odds. You can enter odds in any popular format: Decimal, American, Fractional, Hong Kong, Malaysian, Indonesian, or Probability Percentage.

After you enter your valid odds and your bet amount, the calculator will automatically output your potential profit and total payout.

  • Profit is the total you'll be paid for winning a bet minus the amount you bet.
  • Total Payout is all of the money you'll receive for winning a bet, including the amount of your wager.

You can also use our odds converter to convert odds from one format to another.

To convert your odds to other odds formats, simply enter your odds in the corresponding field. For example, if you want to convert from decimal odds to American odds, enter your decimal odds in the "Decimal" field. The odds converter will automatically convert your odds to all other supported formats: Decimal, American, Fractional, Implied Probability, Hong Kong, Malaysian, and Indonesian.

Valid odds for each format:

  • Decimal Odds must be a number greater than 1.
  • American Odds must be a number greater than or equal to 100 (e.g., 115 or +115) or a number less than -100 (e.g., -115).
  • Fractional Odds must be a fraction (e.g., 1/1, 1/2, 5/2, etc.).
  • Implied Probability must be expressed as a percentage (e.g., 25%). Valid probabilities for the converter must be greater than 0% and less than 100%.
  • Hong Kong Odds must be a number greater than 0.
  • Malaysian (Malay) Odds must be a number must be between -1 and 1, and not 0.
  • Indonesian Odds must be a number greater than or equal to 1 or less than or equal to -1.

Odds Conversion Table

The table below shows odds conversions for the Decimal, American, Fractional, Implied Probability, Hong Kong, Malaysian, and Indonesian odds formats.

Decimal OddsAmerican OddsFractional OddsImplied ProbabilityHong Kong OddsMalaysian OddsIndonesian Odds

How to Calculate and Convert Odds

While using our betting odds converter is the easiest way to convert between different odds formats (we recommend bookmarking it for later!), here is the math for converting odds between different formats.

How to Convert Odds to an Implied Probability Percentage

To Convert Decimal Odds to an Implied Probability Percentage, (divide 1 by the decimal odds) and multiply this by 100.

Example for 2.5 odds: (1 / 2.5) *100 = 40%

To Convert American Odds to an Implied Probability Percentage:

  • For Positive American Odds, (divide 100 by (the American odds plus 100)) and multiply this by 100. Example for +300 American odds: (100 / (300 + 100)) * 100 = 25%
  • For Negative American Odds, convert the American odds to a positive number, then divide it by the (positive American odds plus 100). Finally, multiply this by 100. Example for -300 odds: ((-300 * -1) / ((-300 * -1) + 100)) * 100 = 75%

To Convert Fractional Odds to an Implied Probability Percentage, (divide the denominator by the (denominator + numerator)) and multiply this by 100.

Example for 5/6 fractional odds: (6 / (6 + 5)) * 100 = 54.55%

To Convert Hong Kong Odds to an Implied Probability, (divide 1 by the (Hong Kong odds + 1)) and multiply this by 100..

Example for 1.5 Hong Kong odds: (1 / (1.5 + 1)) * 100 = 40%

To Convert Malaysian Odds to an Implied Probability:

  • For Positive Malaysian Odds, (divide 1 by (Malaysian Odds + 1)) and multiply this by 100. Example for 0.6 Malay Odds: (1 / (0.6 + 1)) * 100 = 62.5%
  • For Negative Malaysian Odds, (divide (-1 times Malaysian Odds) by (1 subtract Malaysian Odds)) and multiply this by 100. Example for -0.6 Malay Odds: ((-1 * -0.6) / (1 - -0.6)) * 100 = 37.5%

To Convert Indonesian Odds to an Implied Probability:

  • For Positive Indonesian Odds, (divide 1 by (Indonesian Odds + 1)) and multiply this by 100. Example for 3 Indonesian Odds: (1 / (3 + 1)) * 100 = 25%
  • For Negative Indonesian Odds, (divide the absolute value of the negative Indonesian Odds by (the absolute value of the negative Indonesian Odds plus 1)) and multiply this by 100. Example for -3 Indonesian Odds = (abs(-3) / (abs(3) + 1)) * 100 = 75%

How to Convert Decimal Odds to American Odds

For converting decimal odds greater than or equal to 2 to American odds, multiply (the decimal odds minus 1) by 100.

Example for 2.2 Decimal Odds: (2.2 - 1) * 100 = 120 or +120 as it's usually expressed.

For converting decimal odds less than 2 to American odds, divide -100 by (the decimal odds minus 1).

Example for 1.5 Decimal Odds: -100 / (1.5-1) = -200

How to Convert Decimal Odds to Fractional Odds

To Convert Decimal Odds to Fractional Odds, subtract 1 from the decimal odds and convert it to a fraction.

Example for Decimal Odds of 4: 4 - 1 = 3, which converts to 3/1

How to Convert American Odds to Decimal Odds

To Convert Positive American Odds to Decimal Odds, add 1 to (the American odds divided by 100).

Example for +150 American odds: (150 / 100) + 1

To Convert Negative American Odds to Decimal Odds, subtract (100 divided by the American Odds) from 1.

Example for -150 American odds: 1- (100 / -150) = 1.67

How to Convert American Odds to Fractional Odds

To Convert Positive American Odds to Fractional Odds, divide the American odds by 100, turn the decimal into a fraction, and find the simplest form of the fraction.

Example for +200 American odds: 200 / 100 = 2/1

To Convert Negative American Odds Fractional Odds, divide -100 by the American odds.

Example for -200 American odds: -100 / -200 = 1/2

How to Convert Fractional Odds to Decimal Odds

To Convert Fractional Odds to Decimal Odds, divide the numerator by the denominator and add 1.

Example for 5/2 fractional odds: 5 / 2 +1 = 3.5

How to Convert Fractional Odds to American Odds

To Convert Fractional Odds Over 1/1 to American Odds, (divide the numerator by the denominator) and multiply that by 100.

Example for 5/2 fractional odds: (5 / 2) * 100 = +250

To Convert Fractional Odds Under 1/1, divide -100 by (the quotient of the numerator divided by the denominator).

Example for 2/5 fractional odds: -100 / (2/5) = -250

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